Understanding Mental Health And Wellbeing In Workplace

Mental well-being plays an integral role in our daily life and is part of our overall health. Post COVID, the concept of mental well-being is gaining momentum in the workplace.

Defining Mental Well-being

One can define mental well-being as sustaining and thriving in different facets of life such as relationships, work, games, etc. Most importantly being mentally healthy and living well is what each of us would dream of. According to WHO, mental health is the foundation of well-being and effective functioning of individuals.

Impact of Mental Well-being in the Workplace

Being in a happy and comfortable mindset is essential for everyone to perform at their best. Top Insurers in the Middle East EB Insurance sector encompasses well-being as one of the key components in their Employee Assistance Programs. It is during COVID, that people started focusing on the mental health and well-being and then soon became one of the hot topics across the world. In 2021, Dubai Health Authority made a remarkable update to its health policy by adding mental health and psychiatry.

Having good mental health, or being mentally healthy, is more than just the absence of illness, rather it’s a holistic state of overall well-being. Everyone has mental health they can play a large role in promoting and maintaining our overall health and well-being. It plays a key role in tackling the normal stresses of life, how we relate to productivity at work, and other choices in our life.

Employers across the world are offering free workshops about Mental Health Awareness and these awareness workshops will provide the participants with a better understanding of the current state of their mental well-being as well as those around them. Mentally healthy workers are less likely to take sick leaves, it’s important that the employees feel mentally well, healthy, safe, and valued at work, so they can perform at their best.

According to Kim Foundation, one in five adults experience mental health issues. Spending some minutes every day to focus on mental wellness helps can help build resilience and improve overall mental wellness to live a happier and healthier life. It is increasingly being recognized that the mental health of employees is crucial determinant in overall well-being and poor mental health and stressors at the workplace can be a contributory factor to a range of lifestyle illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions amongst others. Data across different countries shows that health factor is one of the reasons for dropping out of work. Poor mental health leads to burn-out amongst employees affecting their ability to balance between personal and work life. 

Work-related stress is one of the major causes of occupational ill-health, less productivity, and human errors. This means increased sickness absence, high staff turnover, mental illness, anxiety, depression, and lack of decision making. In addition, they affect the employee’s morale adversely. Developing and implementing a workplace mental health policy and the program will benefit the health of the employees, increase the productivity of the organization, and will benefit the health of employees, increase the productivity of the company, and will contribute to the well-being of the community at large. During the pandemic, new mental pressures molded and these eventually shed light on the importance of mental health and wellness in the workplace. Creating a workplace well-being ecosystem needs to do several things across a varying range of lenses. The workplace well-being ecosystem should be able to support employees to embrace digital tools and technologies designed to support mental health and well-being risks and problems.

As the world gradually emerges from the clasps of Covid-19, workplace wellness continues to be a prime focus as businesses put specific health and well-being strategies in place. Forbes says there are four ways to incorporate mental wellness into your corporate culture.

Firstly, by joining the conversation, to destigmatize mental health in the workplace, you have to make it part of the conversation. To create a safe and welcoming space, they need to open the dialogue and make it clear to all staff that they will be supported if they choose to disclose mental illness or when they seek help.

Secondly, incorporating mental health treatment as part of your employee benefits plan is one of the best ways to show your staff that you support their well-being. An employee assistance program is also another way to connect staff with the resources they need to manage and cope with personal and/or work-related issues.

Thirdly, work-life balance is a critical aspect of self-care. Focus on creating a work environment where staff does not feel pressure to “always be on” by limiting the number of after-hours. Another great way to reduce work stress and build a supportive environment is to offer team-building events.

Fourthly, being flexible is critical when incorporating mental wellness into your culture. Since this can lead to high levels of burnout and stress, offering flexible scheduling is a great way to help them manage these demands.

In the UAE, the National Programme of Happiness and Well-being has introduced a series of programs to help residents overcome mental challenges. including daily online live sessions with mental professionals, awareness-raising videos by mental health experts, and virtual support groups to support community segments.

Your mental health state can have a profound impact on all areas of your life. Because mental health is so important to general wellness, you must take care of your mental health.

Implementing Mental Health Program at Your Workplace

The health of the workers is not just about physical health but also psychological health. It is important to consider giving the employees access to free counseling sessions (independent) with accredited organizations through Employee Assistance Programs. Also arranging work health and safety training in recognizing the workplace hazards such as workplace bullying, work-related stress, work related violence and work-related fatigue.

Creating health fairs at workplace organized by health clinics that provide bio-metric screening which includes cholesterol checking, glucose level testing, BMI, blood pressure monitoring. These programs are professionally run, health care providers work the booths at the fair and talks to employees about preventive health measures. Fitness programs such as running a marathon, games competition with prizes. When participants see the elements of fun and flexibility; they are more inclined to participate on a regular basis.


Articles on mental well-being reference countries Singapore, Australia, US, UAE

Forbes Magazine article on well-being

UAE Ministry of Mental health

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